Photo of Max Uranga Mexico
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Born in Morelia, Michoacan, on February 3, 1958.Educaciny formation: High School at the University Center Mexico, in Mexico City, DF Bachelor of Science in Communication, Instituto Tecnol cal de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey. (Graduated in December 1981.) Diploma in Film and Television at the Experimental Center of Cinematography in Rome, Italy. (1982-83). Other Classes: artistic glass in Craft School...

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Photo of Max Uranga Mexico

Born in Morelia, Michoacan, on February 3, 1958.Educaciny formation: High School at the University Center Mexico, in Mexico City, DF Bachelor of Science in Communication, Instituto Tecnol cal de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey. (Graduated in December 1981.) Diploma in Film and Television at the Experimental Center of Cinematography in Rome, Italy. (1982-83). Other Classes: artistic glass in Craft School (Col. San Miguel Chapultepec, Condesa, DF) 1974 Pyrography on wood, in School of Craft (Col. San Miguel Chapultepec, Condesa, DF) 1974 Recorded Zinc, in Florence, Italy, 1982 silkscreen at Tec de Monterrey, 1978 black and white Photography, Experimental Center of Cinematography in Rome, Italy 1983, La Paz 1984 Technological Sculpture clay at Casa de la Cultura de La Paz, BCS 1993 Languages: Italian-, .- Excellent Level (written, spoken in person and by telephone, ledo)-English, .- Level Commercial Well (written, spoken in person, ledo) Professional experience in career development.: Teaching Institutions and Higher Educacin in La Paz, Baja California Sur 1983 to 1989 .. Technological Institute of La Paz: Methods of research, reading and newsroom, Marketing Autonomous University of Baja California Sur: Workshop of Communication and Organizational Italian Course 1 and II. Eusebio Kino Preparatory: Preparatory communication sciences and Pavn JosMaria Morelos: Photography Workshop black and white. California College: Italian course 1, II and 11. Radio Locucin Sudcalifomiana Cultural Government., La Paz, Baja California Sur in 1984. Tourist PROMOTION Chief Directorate of Tourism in the government of Baja California Sur in 1985-1986. Recent Experience: Producer and seller of works of art and crafts in the southern Baja peninsula California yen the center of the country from 1986 until May 2007. Personal skills and competences. Taste for people and nature, good treatment and ecological behavior. Decision-making capacity and individual or group work. Attitude of community service and a clear vision of goals to follow in teaching higher and the artistic capacitacin. Skills and artistic skills. Drawing Alpizar, the cake, charcoal, ink, oil painting on canvas or wood, acrylic mixed techniques on wood and metal sculpture-painting Art Object Pyrography on leather, Photography, Video, airbrush, etc.. Temporary exhibitions in La Paz, BCS Dorita Galea Quinta, Casa de la Cultura, Palacio Municipal, La Concha Hotel, Hotel Perla, Hotel Los Arcos in Los Cabos, BCSen Galera da Vinci and Galeras Pez Gordo Cabo San josdel and Palmilla, and Kaki Bassi Gallery of Cabo San Lucas. In Todos Santos, BCS .- in Gallery of All Saints, Galley The Colonel's wife, Siglo XXI Centro Cultural y Casa de la Cultura. In Tijuana, BC .- In Municipal President Hotel in Mexico City, DF.-In the Chamber of Deputies (San Lazaro) and Chamber of Senators (Xicotencatl) in Guanajuato, Oto .- in City Hall, and Restaurant Historical Center. In Atlacomulco, Edo.Mex. Home of Culture and Cultural Center Colin Guillermo Sanchez. In Jocotitlán, Edo. Mex. Home of Culture in Ixtlahuaca, Edo. Mex. Home of Culture in Acambay Edo.Mex. at Casa de la Cultura Permanent Exhibitions Cultural Center Siglo XXI in Todos Santos in yen Painters Hall History Hall. BCS Secretary of Tourism in entry lobby and boardroom. Presidencia Municipal de Los Cabos, at the Mayor's office. Exhibitions at Galeras of Baja California Sur in La Paz Fifth Dorita Kaki Bassi in Cabo San Lucas Da Vinci in Cabo San josdel Galera de Todos Santos in Todos Santos in Todos Santos La Coronela Pez Gordo Art Gallery in Cabo San josdel exhibition and Artisan Homes for Sale in Toluca-CASART - IFAEEM House of Artisans Atlacomulco House Michoacn the Artisans of the Craft House Queretana Artisan House Sudcalifomiano. Merit Awards and First Place for Children's Painting Competition (1964) Coat of Arms of the Municipality of Comondu, BCS articles published about my work in Low Life, Destino Los Cabos, Alternative Magazine, Los Cabos News, Peridico The Sudcalifomiano Print Making No Poster Inauguration of Teatro de la Ciudad Californias Old and New. Edition of 800 copies. BCS state map to mark the fifteenth anniversary of the Technological Institute of La Paz. Edition of 1000 Total Solar Eclipse 1991. , Edition of 2000 copies. Baja Mil car race 0ff-Road to Ensenada to La Paz.Primer marathon in Los Cabos 1991.

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